On November 19, 2020, the International Online Forum “iDIPLOMATIA: World Youth” – 2020 will take place. The Forum is an international platform for the exchange of topical issues of territorial security and youth policy, exchange of best practices in the use of “soft power”.
The Forum participants are experts, scientists, specialists, youth from 20 cities of Russia and more than 15 countries of the world. The leading experts will be: historians, media and IT specialists, heads of youth policy and public organizations, experts in the field of ecology and agriculture, multimedia journalism, media literacy, political science, regional security, cybersecurity professionals from Russia, India, China, France, Italy, Egypt, Syria, Algeria and other countries.
The online forum is designed to draw the efforts of young people and experts from different countries to the issues of peaceful development of the planet in the context of digital reality. The main idea of the forum is to unite the intellectual potential of different generations, exchange of meanings to prevent crises and conflicts in the territories, to launch creative social scenarios. Participants of the online forum “iDIPLOMATIA: Youth of the World” – 2020 will discuss ways to address modern challenges and threats in the political, economic, environmental and technological fields.
Forum program includes: plenary session; online cinema-lectures; foresight sessions with experts. International guests will tell the current agenda of different countries, exchange best practices in the application of “soft power”, share their vision of preserving and enhancing cultural and historical heritage, the formation of values, socio-ethical and economic development, discuss ways for solving such problems as migration and social inequality, ideology of extremism and terrorism, cyber security issues.
The organizers of the online forum are the Center for Student Initiatives “North-West”, the autonomous non-profit organization for the development and support of innovative projects “Center for System Initiatives”, the Committee for Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations of St. Petersburg, the Union of Cities of Military Glory of Russia, the Russian military historical society.
Specialists in various fields of knowledge, working youth, public organizations and associations, youth media, students and university staff are invited to become participants of the Forum. We invite all those who are interested in peaceful and sustainable development of the territory.
All methodological, informational materials of the online forum will be posted on the project website https://idiplomatia.ru/ (in two basic languages: Russian, English).
For registration follow the link: https://idiplomatia.ru/registration/
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